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TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT MIP-101: General Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
Course Code: MIP-101
Assignment Code: MIP-101/TMA/2021
Maximum Marks: 100

1. Define property. What are the Property Rights? Explain
2. Discuss the Appeal Mechanism available in India in relation to IPRs.
3. Discuss the important principle provisions of the Berne Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic works.
4. What is the ‘idea – expression dichotomy’ in IP?
5. What is “passing off”? What are the distinctions between passing off actions and infringement of trade mark?
6. Discuss the basic features of the Rome Convention.
7. How does the present IP system strike a balance between the rights of an inventor and the rights of other individuals and the Society in general?
8. Discuss the main provisions of Patent Law Treaty, 2000.
9. Write a short note on
a) Technological measures to enforce IPRs
b) International organisations active in IPR enforcement.
10. Discuss the different modes of acquisition of intellectual property.
11. Discuss the purpose, objectives and functioning of Patent Co-operation Treaty.
12. Write the difference between UPOV, 1978 and UPOV, 1991 
MIP-102: Patents
Course Code: MIP-102
Assignment Code: MIP-102/TMA/2021
Maximum Marks: 100

1. What are the different types of Patents. Discuss with the help of examples
2. What is a patent and why are patents necessary? Explain
3. Discuss the different types of infringements of patents.
4. Why an invention should be patented, rather than keeping it secret? Discuss the rationale for Patent protection in the light of the above sentence.
5. Explain ‘Bollar provision’ and ‘parallel import’.
6. What criteria must an invention satisfy for it to be granted a patent? Discuss
7. Discuss the reasons for the failure of a technology with the help of suitable examples
8. What is difference between an industrial design and a trade mark or Patent?
9. What do you understand by revocation of Patents. Explain
10. Discuss provisional specifications and complete specification in a Patent Application.
11. Who can be a Patent Agent? Explain the rights of a Patent agent.
12. What are the major activities involved in technology transfer? 
MIP-103: Industrial Designs and Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits
And Utility Models
Course Code: MIP-103
Assignment Code: MIP-103/TMA/2021
Maximum Marks: 100

1. What are the requirements which a sign must fulfill in order to serve as a trademark?explain
2. What is the criteria to determine the similarity of designs? Discuss
3. What is meant by the term ‘Artistic design’ as provided under the Copyright act, 1957.Explain
4. Write a note on Utility Model System of Malaysia.
5. What are the differences between the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol?
6. What cannot be protected by Industrial Design Rights? Explain with examples.
7. What is counterfeiting? Discuss with the help of examples.
8. Explain the salient features of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Layout Design Act, 2000.
9. Discuss the impact of infringement of designs on the right holder.
10. Discuss in brief the International Conventions on utility Model protection
11. Discuss the various rights conferred by utility model protection.
12. Write a note on the criteria for the registration of Industrial design. 
MIP-104: Trademarks, Domain Names and Geographical Indications
Course Code: MIP-104
Assignment Code: MIP-104/TMA/2021
Maximum Marks: 100

1. Can devices and shapes be considered as Trademarks? Discuss with suitable illustrations
2. Discuss the significance of trademarks in the modern day business.
3. Explain the difference between Geographical Indication and trademarks
4. Define character merchandising. Give illustrations
5. What do you mean by domain testing? Discuss with the help of examples.
6. Explain the term “homonymous geographical indication”. .
7. Write a note on the rights management information systems
8. Define trademark licensing. Explain the purpose of trademark licensing.
9. What are the remedies available for the infringement of Trademarks?
10. Discuss the licensing and assignment in Trademark Law.
11. Discuss the term Cyber squatting with examples
12. Mention the conditions to which a state’s domestic legislation is subject while restricting the right of translation. 
MIP-105: Copyright and Related Rights
Course Code: MIP-105
Assignment Code: MIP-105/TMA/2020
Maximum Marks: 100

1. Write a note on economic rights of copyright owner in literary, dramatic and musical works.
2. Explain relinquishment of copyrights.
3. What is copyright infringement? Explain colorable imitation with example.
4. Write a note on Anton Piller Order.
5. What are the TRIPS requirements regarding provision of criminal procedures for copyright infringement?
6. Write a note on jurisdiction of courts in relation to infringement of copyright.
7. What are the requirements for a valid copyright assignment? Explain.
8. Write a detailed note on Author’s Special Rights with the help of case law.
9. Enumerate the exceptions provided for computer programmes under the Copyright Law in India.
10. What is meant by “assignment of copyright”? Distinguish between assignment and licensing.
11. Discuss the powers and functions of the Registrar of copyrights.
12. Write a note on compulsory licence.

MIP-106: Plant Varieties protection, Biotechnology
And traditional Knowledge
Course Code: MIP-106
Assignment Code: MIP-106/TMA/2020
Maximum Marks: 100

1. What is the rationale for Sui-Genesis IPR regimes for plant varieties? Discuss.
2. Discuss the European Directive on Protection of Biotechnological inventions.
3. Write a note on Cartagena Protocol.
4. Discuss the basic requirement which a characteristic should fulfill before it is used for DUS testing.
5. What are potential biosafety implications of genetically modified organism and how does CBD (Convention on Bio-diversity) addresses it?.
6. Discuss the problems in enforcing the Plant Breeder Rights (PBRs).
7. What are the important regulatory provisions for the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 with reference to access and utilization of biological resources?
8. Write a note on the rationale for Farmer’s Rights.
9. Discuss the duties of the standing committee of the PPVFR in the promotion and protection of new plant varieties.
10. Write a note on National Gene Fund.
11. Explain the issue of access and benefit sharing and the provisions on its implementation under CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity.
12. The protection of Traditional Knowledge is important for the Conservation of environment. Discuss.
MIP-107: Trade Secrets, Competition Law and Protection of TCE
Course Code: MIP-107
Assignment Code: MIP-107/TMA/2020
Maximum Marks: 100

1. Analyse linkage between the protection of traditional cultural expressions and human rights issues..
2. Define unfair competition. How is it dealt with under Indian law?
3. Discuss the provisions of the Contract Act, 1972 which deal with the protection of confidential information.
4. Explain with examples the concept of compulsory licencing.
5. With the help of decided cases, analyse the approach of the Supreme Court of India on the restrictive clauses in the contracts of employment.
6. With examples, explain the concept of Intellectual Property induced dominance.
7. Write a note on the Creative Heritage Project.
8. When are the third parties liable for using a trade secret? Discuss
9. Discuss the judicial perspective on specific categories of unfair trade practices.
10. What do you understand by intellectual property induced dominance? Explain abuse of such dominance with the help of examples.
11. What are the essentials of a trade secret as defined in article 39 (2) of the TRIPs Agreement? When does a trade secret loses all protection?
12. Discuss the various Initiatives taken by UNESCO for the protection of Traditional, Cultural Expression (TCEs).

MIP-108: Management of IPRs.
Course Code: MIP-108
Assignment Code: MIP-108/TMA/2020
Maximum Marks: 100

1. Discuss importance of Intellectual Property Assets.
2. Explain the situations where valuation of IP is important for an organisation.
3. Explain the key focus areas of Intellectual Property Audit.
4. Explain the ‘Innovation theory’ and its effect on patents.
5. Define the term ‘patent trolls’. Give any five examples of patent troll attacks.
6. Discuss briefly different types of Licensing of Patents.
7. What are the benefits of IPR management?
8. Write a note on the Qualitative Evaluation approach of IP valuation.
9. Explain the different factors affecting IP Management behavior. Mention the attributes of a good IP Manager.
10. Write briefly various types of royalty payments.
11. Explain the popular methods of patent valuation.
12. Distinguish between Open and Closed Standards.
